Darcy Oake After Britain’s Got ...
Britain’s Got Talent is approaching the finals while America’s Got Talent is getting underway. We all...

posted on: May 30, 2015 | author: Compeer
The SAM Convention
The 2015 S.A.M. Convention is only a month away. Registration increases this week and our hotel block is about to be...

posted on: May 30, 2015 | author: Compeer
Meet the Magician Who Performs for Mi...
Steve Cohen has been performing magic shows at New York’s Waldorf Astoria hotel for the past 15 years. As Health...

posted on: May 23, 2015 | author: Compeer
Magic or Science
The Mind Museum has put together these science and physics tricks that appear to be magic. hover your mouse over the...

posted on: May 23, 2015 | author: Compeer
Copperfield In Attendance at Absinthe
We can only imagine how exciting is must be to have one of the top acts in Las Vegas come out to see your show. Last...

posted on: May 12, 2015 | author: Staff Writer