The World Needs Magic — George Schind...
George Schindler Receives the “Lifetime Achievement Fellowship” From The AMA The Dean of The Society of American...
posted on: Apr 2, 2017 | author: Compeer
The World Needs Magic – JOHN CA...
John Calvert (August 5, 1911 – September 27, 2013) was an American magician who performed on stage in the United...
posted on: Aug 5, 2016 | author: Compeer
The World Needs Magic – LOSANDE...
In the 21st Century you cannot have a discussion about the Art of Magic without discussing Dirk Losander. That’s...
posted on: Mar 5, 2016 | author: Compeer
The World Needs Magic – BRAD JA...
Brad Jacobs is a remarkable man. He attended Harvard University, where he earned the Degree of B.A. in English,...
posted on: Nov 26, 2015 | author: Compeer
The World Needs Magic – SCOTT A...
Scott Alexander and Puck were finalists on America’s got talent in season six and seven respectively. After...
posted on: Aug 7, 2015 | author: Compeer
The World Needs Magic – Shawn F...
Shawn Farquhar has been entertaining audiences around the globe for over two decades. His magic has been seen on...
posted on: Jun 19, 2015 | author: Compeer