Society of World Deaf Magicians’ Presentation of the Highest Honorable Awards
Established in Leipzig, Germany, in the spring of 1990, the Society of World Deaf Magicians announced the highest honorable awards bestowed to the following deaf magicians on Sunday, May 16, 2021.

Yianni Hadjiyiannis of Limassol, Cyprus in recognition of many years of his faithful attendance and participation of the festivals sponsored by the Society of World Deaf Magicians.

Michail Chovanskich of Panevezys, Lithuania in recognition of his enthusiastic involvement and compassion for the Art of Magic.

Matthew and Liliana Morgan of Delavan, Wisconsin in recognition of outstanding contributions made on behalf of the Society of World Deaf Magicians. Magicians of the Year are bestowed upon Matthew and Liliana Morgan. They have traveled to 45 countries for presenting their magic performances and educational magic workshops to deaf and hearing young and adult audiences.

Simon J. Carmel of West Palm Beach, Florida in recognition of a life-long commitment and achievement as a world-wide historian of over two hundred deaf magicians as well as an international prestidigitator. He acted as the secretary-general of the Society of World Deaf Magicians for 24 years and published three books on the biographies of 240 deaf conjurers from 43 countries from 1860 to 2021.